The impact of our supporters can not be overstated
Last year, I was praying about a staff member position that needed to be filled. This new person was going to come on staff and work with our clients and residents in deep ways, walking alongside them in a case management experience that would help clients get from where they were to where they wanted to be. This individualized goal setting was important for this new season of growth for Clarity, and we could see how our clients and residents could truly benefit from this type of position if we could find the right person.
This individualized goal setting was important for this new season of growth…
I had a perfect candidate in mind for this, and was going to meet her for lunch that day to share with her that she had gotten the job. But as with any interview process, you only know that person as well as a standard interview process could allow. Was she the one the Lord was wanting for this vitally important role ‘for such a time as this’? Though I enter every interview process with prayer and discernment, I had asked the Lord that morning for confirmation. Could He give me a sense in my Spirit that she was the one He was calling?

That morning, a tour was scheduled with a couple who wanted to see our new maternity home, The Haven at Clarity. They had never given to Clarity before, but had heard about our new initiative and wanted to get to know us and the ministry. After showing them the home, describing the program, and envisioning with them the impact the home would have on our future residents, this couple graciously and generously got out their checkbook and gave a one-time gift. A gift that, I knew, was going to almost pay for this new position’s entire annual salary.
A gift that, I knew, was going to almost pay for this new position’s entire annual salary.
The Lord had put housing for moms on their hearts, and the timing worked out perfectly for our home and their hearts to coincide into one perfect, God-sized moment. It was the confirmation I needed that day to offer this position as a major building block to the staffing of The Haven, a position that would in turn offer the support our residents would desperately need.
I am so grateful for these moments, and for supporters like you. Without you, our ministry would not be thriving today. When the Lord prompts you to pray, volunteer, or give, you are impacting the lives of countless people for generations.