When will we know information on Walk 2025?
Expect a date this winter. Until then, learn how you or your church can partner with us in other ways over on the "Get Involved" tab!
Expect a date this winter. Until then, learn how you or your church can partner with us in other ways over on the "Get Involved" tab!
Come and go as your schedule allows! You are able to walk the course and enjoy the activates anytime in the 9am-12pm window. Brunch will also be available for the entire duration of the event.
Walkers and guests can park at South Central Bank on East Memorial Drive. Additional parking is located at Helmwood Medical Center at Memorial Court.
We would kindly ask you to leave pets at home for this event.
Clarity will receive funds from registered walkers! Walkers will get friends and family to sponsor them and then turn in those donations or pledges.
Yes! We would love for you to bring family and friends, young and old, to celebrate all God has done with us. We will have special activities for the kiddos like snacks, bounce houses, face painting, and more. Strollers are also welcome.
The course begins at our support programs building at 116 E. Memorial Drive! From there, the easy-to-walk course goes one mile into Freeman Lake Park and back to 116 E. Memorial Drive.
We are excited to have Andrew Wood speak at this year's Gala. Andrew served in pregnancy center work for nearly a decade in Knoxville, TN and his writings have been featured in national publications such as HOPE blog, March for Life, Care Net, Pregnancy Help News, Life News, Save the Storks, National Right to Life, [...]
We hope you will join us regardless of what you choose to wear! Semi-formal attire is similar to Sunday best- think Easter Sunday dress. Suit jackets, slacks, or a dress are good options! We also know many will be coming straight from work.
This year, we are expecting over 900 pro-life Christians to gather for our annual Gala at Severns Valley Baptist Church. When you arrive at 6pm, you will be directed to the social hour with heavy hors d'ouevres, refreshments, and live music. After eating, guests will be directed to the auditorium where our program will begin. [...]